Dear St. Raymond’s Family and Visitors,
I am so thankful to Almighty God and to Archbishop José H. Gomez for assigning me as the new Pastor of St. Raymond Church effective July 1, 2021.As a priest of Jesus Christ, my mission, and the mission of St. Raymond Church, is to lead souls to Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd. Our ultimate destination is Heaven, to be among the Saints in glory with the Most Holy Trinity for all of eternity. Nourished in Holy Mass by the Eucharist, rooted in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, availing ourselves of God’s mercy in Confession, regular Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and practicing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy will keep us on the path to Heaven. The Holy Spirit will guide us securely, especially when we are close to Mary, the Mother of Jesus and Mother of the Church, and St. Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer and Universal Patron of the Church.
Like the Holy Family of Nazareth, I pray that we continue to be a holy family as a parish, united in Faith, Hope, and Love. The work of the New Evangelization in our times demands that we go out to proclaim and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Missionary Disciples to share this Good News with others—family, friends, coworkers, classmates, neighbors, fallen-away Catholics, those who no longer believe in God or the Catholic Church, and even those who are hostile to the Christian faith.
I am the fifth Pastor of the parish, succeeding Father John Higgins who will retire here in the Rectory after 18 years as Pastor. The parish was established under Monsignor Patrick Cleary in 1956. Monsignor Robert Gibson and Father Tom O’Hanlon followed as Pastors.
The current Church was built in 1958. Holy Mass was celebrated at then-Piux X High School during the first two years. We are under the Patronage of St. Raymond Nonnatus, a 13th century priest from Catalonia (Spain). He is the Patron Saint of childbirth, midwives, children, pregnant women, and priests defending the confidentiality of confession.
As we emerge from the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, St. Raymond Church is once again “open for buisness”. Please join us for Sunday and Daily Masses. Our parish groups and ministries are in the process of starting up again. We want and need you to be an active member of our parish family. Please pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance to discern what talents and gifts, and even financial support, that you can share with us and the wider community in Downey and beyond.
St. Raymond School is an outstanding TK to 8th Grade school. Click on the School link for more information or to schedule a tour. Mrs. Claudia Rodarte, our Principal, and Faculty are dedicated and talented educations. St. Raymond School thrived even dispite the many challenges during the pandemic.
We have amazing Youth Programs for all ages—Confirmation, Life Teen, and Edge Middle School. The youth have a lot of fun as they grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. I have already met many of the them and am very impressed with their dedication to serve the Lord and their parish.
I place you and your family under the guidance and protection of our Blessed Mother Mary and St. Joseph. St. Raymond Nonnatus, pray for us.
In the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Father Sam Ward
Here is a brief list of my hopes and plans in the near future for St. Raymond Church: